On the Art Dubai 2022 Contemporary Art section Window Project presents two artists,Vakhtang Kokiashvili, Anano Janashia, Aleksey Dubinsky and Uta Bekaia.When human senses, imagination and romanticism are shifting to the background, the practices of four completely different artists rely on a narration that expands the human vision, returns to human origins, and makes to think about the future, especially during the recent pandemic years.

Anano Janashia uses painting as her main means of expression, experimenting with both natural and chemical materials, as well as oil, pigments and ink. Her work process often turns into “birth” by increasing the direct physical contact with the materials and the canvas itself, imprinting her DNA, thus channeling her spiritual and corporal essence on the canvas. Her final intent is to eliminate any limit in relation to the canvas, creating space for the absolute display of instinct and sensitivity.

The imaginary journey of Aleksey Dubinsky is transformed into large-scale paintings. It's a kind of real-time narrative and the magical reality of people living under an endless, infinite starry sky.

Uta Bekaia's works are part of his current large-scale ongoing project, "Sea, Sea, Swallow Me". The project is based on the narrative written by the artist during a COVID 19 lockdown. It tells a story where people feel cornered and want the significant change to happen. They will change their path artificially by triggering a fabricated apocalypse with seven explosions. After this, humans mutate and become Super-Humans, fully expanding their consciousness. The project "Sea, Sea, Swallow Me" responds to the natural and artificial worlds divide.

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